Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Striving to never have to pull a trailer around that says "We Kill Children" because we no longer kill children legally.

I hope I've succeeded in creating something which is relatively inexpensive, highly influential, and easily implemented on a daily basis. I'm even hoping others which believe children are being legally killed will pull a trailer too. If just one in 100 of those who believe killing children should be illegal were to invest the money and time in pulling a trailer, then the reality of what is going on within this society would be unavoidable to so many people. Once what is taking place in our society is exposed on a daily basis, it is hard for me to believe these children would be legally killed much longer.

I believe the more exposure our society has to what is taking place, the closer we'll move toward ending the LEGAL killing of children.

Putting Together the Trailer...

Attempting to keep cost as low as possible I bought the cheapest, smallest, lightest trailer I could find. My goal was the smallest initial cost and smallest ongoing costs. With this mini trailer, registration is cheap, no insurance is required, and there should be relatively low maintenance.

As lightweight as this is, I'm hoping it won't be much different than driving around with three friends in the car when I'm finally done.

Hope this works!

(Note: Trailer purchased and picture from

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